Integrated Mens Sanitary Complexes at keelkathirpur Gram Panchayat, Kanchipuram Block
INTRODUCTION In Kanchipuram District 14.4 lakhs people are living in Rural areas. The population comprises 8,83,274 men and 8,24,660 women. As per 2013 Baseline Sanitation Survey, out of 4,11,421 households in rural area, 1,96,214 households have been Identified with individual toilets. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), for the remaining 2,15,207 households, toilets have been constructed and have since been put into use. The endeavor of the district is on ensuring that no component of sanitation remains unaddressed. With individual household latrine coverage of 100%, the district has to develop with the support of the community, a mechanism for management of human excreta, for the floating population such as laborers/ tourists/ pilgrims/ daily commuters/ other persons engaged in transportation services, so that the sanitation facilities are available to the affected persons close by. ...