A Case Study on MCC operated in Padapai Village, Kancheepuram District


A Case Study on MCC operated in Padapai Village, Kancheepuram District


          A case study on Micro Composting Centre function in Padapai Village of Kancheepuram District, Padapai is a peri-urban village panchayat. This village has a population of 16692 peoples, 5 habitations, markets and many institutions very close to the MCC located in Periyar Nagar habitation. In this village panchayat approximately an average of 0.9 Tons of organic waste is generated daily. Hence a suitable technology was required for treating this organic waste. Hence a oneton MCC was proposed and implemented during May 2021 and brought into functioning in June 2021.

Methodology of Compost Preparation

STEP 1: Unload the wet waste in the waste receiving area.

STEP 2: Transfer the wet waste on the conveyer belt of the waste shredding machine

STEP 3: Collect the shredded waste in a container

STEP 4: Apply half inch cow dung slurry on inner walls of the tub. Approximately 20 litres of cow dung slurry is required for one tub.

STEP 5: Repeat the same process of applying cow dung slurry for all the tubs

STEP 6: On the 1st day put the shredded waste in 1st compost tub, on 2nd day put the shredded waste in 2nd compost tub, continue this method till 7th day, on which the shredded waste will be put in 7th compost tub

STEP 7: Add EM Solution balls in the compost tubs after 2-3 days of adding shredded waste

STEP 8: Repeat the above process for Round 2 and 3 for 21 days.

STEP 9: Stop the waste input after 21 days in the first 7 tubs.

STEP 10: Second stage of sequence (Day 22 to 42) by filling the Bio-degradable wet waste in series from the second row of 7 tubs (8-14) 8th tub only after 21st day, i.e., 22nd day- 8th tub, 23rdday- 9th tub, 24thday- 10th tub and so on.

STEP 11: Each compost tub is connected to a common leachate collection tank.

STEP 12: Leachate is added to the waste in the compost tub for retention of moisture during the composting process.

STEP 13: Remove compost from the tub and sieve for uniform size

STEP 14: Put the rejects from the sieve back in the compost tub

STEP 15: Leave the sieved compost for seven days for sun drying

STEP 16: Weigh & pack the compost in standard size bags.


Preparation of EM SOLUTION.

v  Mix water, jaggery and curd in a container. Close the container.

v  Let this solution ferment for 7 days. Beware, this solution has a strong smell.

v After 7 days, add rice bran to the solution and make balls from this EM solution. As an alternative to rice bran, you can add husk and dried leaves.

v  These EM balls are then crushed to convert into powder form.


This is added to the compost tubs after 4 -5 days of adding shredded waste.

Compost generated

1.   Quantity of manure generated for sale is about 250 kg till now

2.    Package in 10kg of quantity/pack and shall be sold at the rate of Rs.10.

Thus, a complete waste to wealth has been developed in a sustainable way. Thooimai kaavalars of MCC was also benefitted by selling this compost as mentioned in GO, the Profit of 80% can be utilized for incentive to Thooimai Kaavalars. The people of Padapai Panchayat heartfully say thanks to the Government of Tamilnadu for developing a sustainable way to reduce Solid waste generated.

Observations and Technological flaws to be focused

1.   The Wet waste in the Compost tub should be turned every day for supply of air to the microorganism.

2.   The Manhole for the leachate collection should be openable easily. In some of the MCC, the manhole was not kept. Also, it was found while opening, the leachate pipe was closed inside. Which ultimately stops leachate collected from the compost tub.

3.   The EM solution prepared should be utilized within a month.

4.   The EM Balls should be kept in a wet form. It is found that the Balls are in the form of dry stone.

5.   The Shredding Machine was not shredding when Lemon, Oranges and Banana leaf were sent for shredding.

6.   The Compost tub has an open outlet in the center of all the sides which should be closed.

7.   The Insects catchers should be operated 24/7 for effective catching.

8.   A Separate floor outside should be made for drying the compost.

9.   Four registers should be maintained -Sales register, Asset register, Visitor register, Attendance.

10.The leachate collection tank should be connected to soak pits for effective management of leachate.

11.The plantation can be developed around the MCC for maintaining good atmosphere.

12.In some MCC, the wind exhaust turbine was not installed.

13.Major drawback in MCC is the lack of awareness to Thooimai Kaavalars and Methods of collection of wet waste. In such cases, the Thooimai Kaavalars can collect only biodegradable waste in all 7 days in a week and only one day plastic waste and recyclable waste can be collected. The collected waste may be deposited in two or three junction point in every habitation. The E-carts / Tractor available in the Panchayats may bring the wet waste from junction points to MCC site.



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